
What Is Chase Car Buying Service Customer

Chase Auto Finance

Reviews: Chase Automobile Finance

Overall lender rating

from Credit Karma members

Most helpful positive review

Its the best auto loan out there!

Credit Karma fellow member

I had a horrible automobile loan with 1 of the financing companies through the dealership. 12% interst charge per unit and $383 monthly payment. After making nine months of regular on-fourth dimension payment to them, I applied for refinance through Chase and despite of just having 640 credit score, they reduced it to 5% with autopayment from their checking business relationship. Reduced my automobile loan to $296/month. Information technology has been such a big help. Thanks!

Most helpful negative review

Pre-approved with guaranteed charge per unit

Credit Karma member

I received a letter of the alphabet telling me I was pre-approved to refinance my auto loan with a guaranteed rate, so I called to get more info. Information technology got even better... because I have a Chase checking account and would motorcar draft payments, the rate was even lower. At that point, I agreed to offset the process. I was really excited at the prospect of lower my monthly bill or shortening the term of the loan with a lower interest charge per unit. After all the time spent on the telephone and taking a 9 point hit on my credit score, they apologized and said the underwriter denied my application for refinance. Why did you ship me a letter, telling me I was pre-approved with a guaranteed rate, take 9 points off my credit score, that's still over 800, if I wasn't actually pre-canonical? Plus now I accept to look 7-10 days to get a another letter from them in the mail, explaining to me why I wasn't approved. I'm extremely disappointed and upset with Hunt correct now.

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The very best I had

Credit Karma member

Chase Financial Auto a bunch of crooks!

Credit Karma member

I was leasing a 2020 Subaru Forester through Chase. I got Furloughed during Covid. They did piece of work with me to defer iii months. I used to go to the banking concern to make my monthly payments until they decided to utilize information technology to the deferment payments and not to my monthly payment. I had to boxing with them to apply my payment for THE Electric current MONTH. Finally, afterwards several back and forth telephone calls it was straightened out. Afterwards that I started calling in my payments and told them to apply my payment to the current month non the deferred payments. I recently got into an accident with information technology which wasn't my fault. Insurance totaled the motorcar and cutting Chase a bank check to pay off the lease. Now I become a phone call from Chase saying I nonetheless owe over $900 for the deferred payments. Umm, I thought I was done with them? They are a agglomeration of crooks!

Don't use this banking company. They are terrible.

Credit Karma member

Don't use Hunt. In that location are many other companies that will give you lot a fair rate and stand past the client. Terrible experiences all effectually. Lost my job and needed a loan extension in social club to keep in expert continuing. I was told I needed to make an another payment to authorize. I scrunged up the money and made the payment simply to exist told I don't qualify until I'm working once more. If I was working I wouldn't need the extension. What kind of backwards thinking is that. Every other creditor was kind plenty to extend me a calendar month. I'grand back to work now and will gladly pay them. But I'm never using chase again!

Would not recommend

Credit Karma member

I was a chase auto finance customer for years. They unlawfully repossessed my lease and I am in the middle of a battle. I would non recommend Chase. They are thieves and ever since they fell backside as a lender they take been unlawfully repossessing peoples vehicles. Please go elsewhere.


Credit Karma member

This company is full of people that will yep you to death and not practise their job. Seems like the thought is to get yous off of the phone and not accept activeness on ANYTHING that you spoke to them near. Information technology's been over a month to get some simple paperwork done afterwards overnighting the necessary document. Avert the headache and get with a different company. They're terrible

Chase double dips

Credit Karma member

BEWARE! I had an motorcar loan with Hunt starting in 2018. Middle of Feb I purchased a new car and the new dealer paid off my remaining residue from my merchandise in. March 1st Hunt withdrew payment for the auto loan and when I noticed information technology from my account on March 9th I immediately called to detect out why they would take a payment if they were already paid. I was told information technology would take 10 business days to correct and be deposited back into my account. March 16th the money still was not deposited, I again contacted Hunt to find out why the coin was non credited back. No one has whatever answers except that I now need to wait another week while they wait into this.

Changing lenders.

Credit Karma fellow member

I submit all of my loan payments on time, simply Chase takes 5-x days to accept it from your account and they accuse tardily fees for every day that they don't take the coin out of your account even though it is paid. At that place is no way to predict when they volition procedure the payment. Sometimes it's the adjacent business organization day, sometimes it's on a weekend, and sometimes it takes 2 weeks. You have no mode to prepare and no way to avoid late fees.

Over all sucks

Credit Karma fellow member

This is the worst company I take ever dealt with. I will never have another loan from this company. They do not accept auto payment out on fourth dimension then charge you for belatedly fees. I'thousand so unsatisfied with this company in one case I get my loan payed off they volition not have to worry well-nigh my business anymore. The ultimate worst... very upset about the over all company. Website sends you on a scavenger hunt. Ugh. I have nothing adept to say at all about chase.

RUde lady

Credit Karma member

My hubby and I could not defer One payment for xmas because at that place is NO EXTENTION for being honest and saying I need information technology for our kids for shopping

Be Afraid Be Very Afraid

Credit Karma fellow member

Terrible feel. First they used my actress principal payment to pay interest, now when I paid my loan off, they tin't or won't come up with the title. Told me to go beg the country if I want my title. Ar least I wasn't foolish plenty to apply Chase for my mortgage.

These ratings and reviews are provided by our users. Banks, issuers and credit card companies do non endorse or guarantee this content, are not responsible for it, and may not even be aware of information technology.

†† The opinions yous read here come up from our editorial team. Credit Karma receives compensation from third-party advertisers, but that doesn't affect our editors' opinions. Our marketing partners don't review, approve or endorse our editorial content. It'southward authentic to the best of our knowledge when information technology's posted.

What Is Chase Car Buying Service Customer,


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